
Primary Education
* Graduate of Boston College-1975 BS Degree in Finance
* St. Ignatius High School 1971

Courses Completed

* Principles of Real Estate Appraising (AIREA 5/76)
* Income Producing Properties (SREA 11/77)
* R-2 EXAM (SREA 12/78)
* Boeckhs Building Cost Estimates (9/79)
* ASHI Home Inspectors Course I and II (4/80)
* Landscaping Evaluation (SREA 4/84)
* Real Estate Tax Appeal (SREA 3/85)
* URAR Report Writing (SREA 2/88)
* Lake Erie Erosion-Environmental Law (SREA 5/88)
* Federal Banking Regulations (Institute 6/91)
* Professional Standards Course B (Institute 6/91)
* 7 Hour USPAP (Institute 1/10)
* Reviewing Residential Reports (Institute 3/10)
* What Happened to Quality Assurance (Institute 2/11)
* Report Writing in Electronic Age (Institute 3/11)
* Construction Details (McKissock 3/11)
* 7 Hour USPAP (Leirer 1/12)
* Thinking Outside the Form (Institute 2/12)
* On Line Business Practices and Ethics (Institute 2013)
* Essentials of Advanced Appraisal Process (Institute 2013)
* 7 Hour National USPAP Update  (Property Professionals 2014)
* REO and Foreclosures (McKissock 2014)
* Appraisal Industry Outlook (Property Professionals 2015)
* Fundamental Concepts of Analysis (McKissock 2015)
* 7 Hour National USPAP Update (Property Professionals 2016)
* Avoiding Mortgage Fraud for Appraisers (McKissock 2016) 

** SRA designated appraiser with the Appraisal Institute from 1982 to 2014 in good standing.  Freely elected to withdraw membership in 2014 for personal reasons. 
** State of Ohio certified license-able to appraise homes with loans over $1 million.
** Holds full E/O insurance policy at all times.
** Currently certified for all continuing education from the State of Ohio. 

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